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  • Deepening Relationships
  • Win the relationship advantage
Show Notes Future questions ask people to articulate what they think a future should look like. E…
  • Deepening Relationships
  • Win the relationship advantage
Show Notes Make sure you’re getting the other side to share their personal perspective, something…
  • Deepening Relationships
  • Adapt my client communication to better connect
Asking great questions gets you a triple win. The first being it creates an enjoyable experience for…
  • Deepening Relationships
  • Adapt my client communication to better connect
Mo Bunnell breaks down the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument and reveals the key insights into how…
  • Deepening Relationships
  • Adapt my client communication to better connect
How the brain is wired is an emerging science. What we learned in the 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s no longer…
  • Deepening Relationships
  • Adapt my client communication to better connect
Experimental thinkers are looking for the big picture. You’re going to see clues around themes, outc…
  • Deepening Relationships
  • Adapt my client communication to better connect
For high Relational/Red thinkers, you’re going to hear a lot of questions around trust and connectiv…
  • Deepening Relationships
  • Adapt my client communication to better connect
Practical thinkers want details and all their questions drive around one thing: making a safe choice…
  • Deepening Relationships
  • Adapt my client communication to better connect
When you’re dealing with a high analytical thinker, you should get to the point. To know someone is …
  • Growing My Book of Business
  • Gain buy-in and close deals
There is an optimal order for how we like to buy. Step one is listening and learning. Break the ice,…
  • Deepening Relationships
  • Adapt my client communication to better connect
There is a triple-win when asking good questions. A person’s pleasure center in the brain lights up …
  • Growing My Book of Business
  • Gain buy-in and close deals
The fastest way to get to the next step is to ask for it. A face-to-face ask is 34x more likely to g…
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