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  • Working on My Own BD Skills
  • Focus on the BD work that matters most
Show Notes Guest Info We have covered the three powerful elements of a story - the Call, the Conf…
  • Working on My Own BD Skills
  • Craft a plan to strategically grow
Show Notes Guest Info In the last couple of episodes, we covered the first two elements of storyt…
  • Working on My Own BD Skills
  • Craft a plan to strategically grow
Show Notes Guest Info This week on Real Relationships Real Revenue, we have been diving into the …
  • Working on My Own BD Skills
  • Hack my habits for long term success
Show Notes Guest Info For any great story, there are three major elements. Based on Joseph Campbe…
  • Deepening Relationships
  • Win the relationship advantage
Show Notes Guest Info Storytelling is an incredibly powerful tool for business growth. It’s even …
  • Deepening Relationships
  • Position myself uniquely to stand out
Show Notes This week we are diving into how you can use Building Everything Together or the IKEA …
  • Working on My Own BD Skills
  • Measure what I can control to stay focused
Show Notes Today is the final video on Building Everything Together. In this episode, I want to s…
  • Working on My Own BD Skills
  • Talk confidently about money
Show Notes Getting the investment right is an important part of working out a deal. In this episo…
  • Deepening Relationships
  • Meet the right new people
Show Notes In the last episode, I talked about engaging your clients using the IKEA effect. In th…
  • Deepening Relationships
  • Win the relationship advantage
Show Notes This week we are talking about what I like to call “Building Everything Together.” Ess…
  • Deepening Relationships
  • Win the relationship advantage
Show Notes Research has shown that for commonly used skills, we drastically overestimate our abil…
  • Deepening Relationships
  • Win the relationship advantage
Show Notes Connection questions are all about lateral thinking and how things fit together. The g…
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