How To Meet the Right New People

What’s On My Mind

This might be our most valuable podcast yet.

That’s what I just told our podcast producer. And it’s saying something!

​How do you beat our interviews with Kelley O’Hara? James Clear? Dan Pink?

​I think we did it.

​Here’s why.

So many experts struggle with what to say so their interactions don’t just connect, but convert to the next step.

​Think about your speeches. Your webinars. Your more intimate client meetings.

​If you’d like for more people to take the next step with you, to engage after the experience, then our new show is for you.

You can listen or watch here.

You’ll see me interview Pat Quinn. Pat is the communications coach to people like Tony Robbins, Dave Ramsey, Michael Hyatt.

And me too.

​Pat gave a live, intimate presentation to our GrowBIG Accelerator community back in November and it went so well, I wanted to have him on the show.

​Seriously, I think it’s most valuable show yet. Again, here’s the link.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to +Subscribe to the show because I won’t be able to prompt all our future episodes here.

​We just have too much good content coming out soon to help you to capture it all!

​Season 2 recording is well underway and … it’s going to be amazing …

What’s Worth Revisiting

If you want a broader system of all our approaches to meet new people, check out Chapter 6 of The Snowball System.

That chapter is called Lead Tactics and covers over 10 ways to meet new people.

Every one starts the relationship with you adding value, you helping.

​You can grab the book here.

​GOOD NEWS: As I write this I noticed Amazon has the Kindle version on sale for $3.99 again!

That might not last, but it’s there as I type.

Grab a copy for your whole team or outside strategic partners using the Kindle bulk buy system here.

(By the way, not many people know about that bulk Kindle link. Super simple to buy and email people a link to their own gifted copy!)

What’s Coming Up

Our comprehensive GrowBIG training teaches every skill needed to be great at business development.

Years of knowledge in 3 days. Our flagship offering. 15,000+ experts use the training every day.

Great news: our public training courses have gone so well virtually that we’re hosting 100% of them in the virtual format in 2021.

You can see our early 2021 dates and sign up here.

The next one is in February.

​I love public training days!

What’s Making Me Smile

One thing made me laugh out loud in the Pat Quinn interview.

He pulled a machete on me.

Seriously. Unscripted. I almost fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard.

Luckily we recorded the show remotely, so I was safe.

What’s Worth Lingering On

A lot of people think meeting new people is magic. Random. Out of their control.

That couldn’t be farther from the truth.​

You can create systems to meet the right new people.

We covered this in our GrowBIG Accelerator community this week and it was SO fun.

Everyone left with a PLAN to meet the right new people.

At a high level, it comes down to two things:

​1) Having a helpful, compelling experience that connects and converts at high frequency when you deliver it


2) Getting the offer of that helpful experience in front of the right new people in the warmest way possible.

Immediate success over “I’m not sure if that worked.”

Helpfulness over feeling like a spammy weirdo.

Confidence over hesitation.

How can you create a system to elevate your relationships at your current clients?

To expand?

To meet the right new people?


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