Mo asks Henning Streubel: When was the moment that growth and business development was something you wanted to focus on?
- Henning is intrinsically motivated to help people, but it’s less about business development and sales. Whenever he meets someone, he has a tendency to ask deep questions.
- Early in his career working for a utility client in Germany, he realized that the client’s company had many more problems than he initially thought which he discovered by simply having a deep conversation.
- Because of those conversations, the client was able to take Henning’s thoughts and ideas back to her boss and make positive changes.
- For Henning, relationship development starts with insights, which allows you to create an impact and trust.
- Many highly analytical people have difficulty talking about anything outside of the project. Henning recommends understanding that everyone is a human being which means they share a common foundation.
- Being genuine about being curious is key. Don’t just use small talk as a way to open a conversation.
- Follow up on the topics and go deeper. This shows your interest in them as a human being.
- Establishing a personal relationship makes connecting with them easier outside the context of the work. It creates an entry point that lets you have the impact you want to have.
- When you open up on your experience, you become more vulnerable and that creates a better foundation for trust. This was something that Henning had to learn and practice. Having a few stories in your back pocket can make it easier.
Mentioned in this Episode: – Use the envelope icon on this page to get in touch with Henning directly