What’s On My Mind
Storytelling is the most important skill I see people NOT focus on.
Storytelling is important!
We know we remember more facts when they are wrapped in a story.
We “become” part of the story as we hear them.
We included a new storytelling module in GrowBIG Training and Coachingwhen we upgraded it early last year.
People are loving it!
Want to leverage the power of story? Make sure your stories have three components.
Here are the components with a “you save the day” storyline example.
- The Call.
The Call is where the hero (usually a client) has to do something no one thinks they can.
The chips are down. How do they respond?
They answer The Call!
- The Conflict.
The Conflict is where everyone achieves more than they thought was possible, usually with your help.
They win!
- The Conclusion.
The Conclusion summarizes the broader and long-term impact of winning.
They have a huge impact!
That’s the super short version–but enough you can act on.
How do your stories stack up?
In our GrowBIG trainings, most people tell us they were skipping over one of the three areas of a great story.
You need The Call because the person you’re telling the story to needs to see themselves in the hero.
You need The Conflict because they need to feel the struggle, then the win! (And the implication you were a big reason for winning.)
You need The Conclusion because every great story has a much bigger impact than anyone expected. This is the wow factor!
Want more?
We’ve got you covered.
Here is our latest podcast with storytelling expert Tim Grahl!
And here is a custom video with more on our storytelling model!
Three thoughts to end on. Maybe you’ll see a trend.
Challenge yourself to improve your storytelling.
You’ll win more of the business you want.
And when you win more of the business you want…you’ll live the life you want.
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