What’s On My Mind
There’s a lot of buzz around GrowBIG Accelerator.
Have you checked out the short video at that link yet?
Don’t miss the deadline!
What We Just Created
Super interesting data on marketing in a downturn. (OK, we didn’t create this but it seems like could have!)
McGraw Hill Research studied 600+ organizations in a recession.
Those that advertised heavily in the downturn grew 275% more after the recovery than those that didn’t advertise.
In the service-based world we all live in, business development is advertising.
Checking in with an Asset is like a marketing impression. Offering a Give To Get session is like a free sample. Doing these things often creates brand loyalty, especially in tough times.
You are the brand.
Now is the time to reach out. Now is the time to be helpful. Now is the time to invest.
They’ll remember it forever.
What To Revisit
Speaking of investing, here’s a great 2017 video from our Learning Library on designing and executing the perfect Give To Get session.
This is how you invest in way that optimizes helpfulness and creating demand for your services.
Creating demand, decoded!
What’s Coming Up
We’re partnering with our amazing friends at LexisNexis InterAction and Passle to conduct a UK-focused, abbreviated GrowBIG training on London time.
If you have a marketing or BD team in Europe that would love to attend this amazing virtual event, reply and let me know.
What’s Making Me Smile
Hey, call me a recovering actuary, but thinking about you growing at 275% over your competition makes me smile.
275% is a big number. 😉
What’s Worth Lingering On
Who’s the number one organization you’d like to do business with in the future?
What can you offer that would help them now, to invest in the relationship?
Offer that to them.
They’ll remember it forever.