March 2019

Working on My Own BD Skills

The Four Levels of Business Development Expertise

In our last video, we discussed the importance not only of developing your personal craft and expertise that you sell to your clients, but taking the time to develop your business development skills into a secondary craft and mastery. In this video, I’m going to share with you a four step process that will help you go about growing and developing your business development expertise that I have never shared before.

Deepening Relationships, Position myself uniquely to stand out

How to Incorporate Business Development Expertise Into Your Career Plans

A lot of the traditional career path for most people involved developing their expertise in their specific craft, maximizing the knowledge and time that they put into it, and leaving their business development skills a little behind. Nowadays, however, the mastery not only of your specific craft is important, but a mastery over the craft of BD is important too. In this video, I’ll share with you how you should go about positioning yourself to maximize your abilities to improve in both areas.

Leading a Team

The Simplest Thing I’ve Found to Deepen Relationships

Relationships are everything in business. Relationships with clients, suppliers, even your coworkers define everything in your day-to-day business world. Because of that, building and deepening relationships quickly is an important skill that has to be learned. In this video, I am going to share with you a simple tip to quickly develop and deepen relationships, as well as how to keep it top of mind.

Focus on the BD work that matters most, Working on My Own BD Skills

A Small Business Development Tip With a Big ROI

BD can be a time-consuming process. And sometimes, you can put in a lot more effort than you’ll actually get out of what you are doing. Because of that, I often get asked about the biggest tip that I can give that will produce the biggest return on investment. And in this video, I am going to share that tip with you, and how you can use it to make a big impact for your business.

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