Strength in Weak Ties

What’s On My Mind

This week was amazing.

I led several sessions with C-level clients across the gl0be. We learned. We laughed. And we grew together.

One thing that really struck me.

Everyone loves how we teach modern BD techniques uniquely with science, steps and stories.

And of those?

The science sticks the most.

It might be an insight we already know. Or a habit we’ve lost. Or maybe it’s a brand new insight.

Real research brings the learnings to life.

​Here’s the some science that stuck out this week: the strength of weak ties.

​Classic studies have shown that reconnecting with “weak tie” relationships provide lots of benefits. Better and broader networking. Better advice. And much more.

​Another thing struck me this week.

​In training 1,000s of experts over the years, I’ve heard one lament more than any other.

​This one thing really haunts people:

I wish I would have stayed in touch with ____.

Maybe the lost connection is now a big-time decision maker. Or maybe just someone you generally really enjoyed being around.


  • Weak ties have strong impact and
  • We all have people we wish we would have stayed closer to.

​Here’s the great news:

We have a once in a lifetime relationship do over.

It’s one of the many silver linings of the pandemic.

​You can reach out to anyone right now and it feels right.

Hey, I was just thinking of you and thought I’d see how you and your family are doing in these crazy times.

It’s as simple as that.

​The best part might not be better networking or better advice. Those are great. But it’s something different.

It’s fun!


What We Just Created

We had a KILLER GrowBIG training with about 35 senior c-level leaders in Europe this week.

​THANKS to our partners at LexisNexis InterAction and Passle for collaborating on it.

​It was a highlight in a fantastic year.

​There’s not many things worth me getting up at 4am. This was one of them.

What To Revisit

As you plan for your strong interactions with your weak ties, go back and watch this 5 minute video from our Learning Library.

​It’ll help you design the perfect reconnection.

What’s Coming Up

Oh man, wait till you see what’s coming. Keep your eye peeled on this newsletter for…

  • An inbetweenisode between Real Relationships Real Revenue Seasons 1 and 2 that will blow your mind! (You’ll need to SUBSCRIBE to the season to get this one.)
  • Season 2 launching in January!
  • A new complimentary video course on How To Win More Virtual Meetings!
  • Another new complimentary video course on How To Create Demand For Your Services By Running An Outreach Campaign!

This new content is going to help you take things to the next level in 2021.

​I can’t wait to share these with you.

What’s Making Me Smile

This quote is really resonating with me this week:

“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”

— Paulo Coelho in The Alchemist

​That fits so well with our theme this week.

​(By the way, The Alchemist is an inspirational book, and a great Holiday present. I like this graphic novel version that I recieved as a gift from a close friend.)


What’s Worth Lingering On

We all have people we wish we would have kept in touch with. People we shared something special with.

Our weak ties.

Who’s yours?

What’s stopping you from reaching out to them right now?

Reply and let me know how it goes. I can’t wait to hear.
