Get Started With Our GrowBIG Playbook
Want a quick win?
Sign up at no charge here for an 8-minute read giving you the 8 beliefs you need to be great at growth.
And, you’ll get signed up to get our weekly insights to keep you going.
PERFECT FOR: Anyone wanting inspiration and practical tips to get great at growth.
Build Effective BD Habits
Want to build effective Business Development Habits, even when you’re busy?
Sign up at no charge here for our marquee course teaching scientifically sound, efficient and authentic Business Development Habits.
PERFECT FOR: any professional looking to learn or improve their business development habits.
- A complete, science-based system to integrate into your busy routine
- Downloadable forms and a 100-point self assessment to implement with ease
- Six inspiring and detailed how-to videos giving you what you need to succeed
Scale A Growth Mindset Across An Entire Organization
Want to get more BD traction across your entire organization?
IT has Agile. Accounting has GAAP. High-performing sports teams practice set plays. Why wouldn’t your organization have a common playbook for growth?
Sign up at no charge here to learn how to get your entire organization using the same growth playbook. BONUS: This course includes a comprehensive 40+ page workbook detailing every aspect of the process.
PERFECT FOR: C-level, practice, geographic and team leaders wanting to scale growth skills, activities and results.
- Our comprehensive Think Big, Start Small, Scale Up cultural change process, brought to life over 5 videos
- A 44-page instantly downloadable workbook covering every single aspect needed for success!
- An overview of how our Red Velvet Rope strategy helps organizations change their entire culture by starting with one small, simple step that their people love
Give to Grow Supplemental Materials
Downloadable resources, including the Give to Grow Team Launch Guide, top lead generation methods worksheet, meeting prep questions, research citations, and an exclusive secret chapter.
- 5-page Team Launch Guide so you can scale the learnings across your team
- 16 of our top lead generation methods so you can meet the right new people
- 50+ go-to questions so you can fast-track your meeting preparation
- 15 of our podcast episodes and other helpful links so that you can dive deeper into your areas of interest
- and… The Secret Chapter!
Align BD Habits Across A Team
Does your team need alignment across BD activities?
This course can stand alone or build off the previous course, BD Habits.
Sign up at no charge here to learn how to focus your team on the most important BD activities, measure and celebrate success, implement flawlessly and build a winning team mentality.
PERFECT FOR: Anyone on or leading client teams. This series is especially powerful for entire teams to go through together.
- A comprehensive, 4-part video series showing how to build a winning team mentality
- The key mistakes most teams make when working together on business development ... and what to instead
- The most important elements teams need to make consistent progress, build excitement and a create a culture focused on retention and growth
Accelerate Your Momentum With a BD Campaign
Need to jump start your growth? Accelerate momentum? Motivate you or your team?
Sign up at no charge here to motivate you and your team, gamify growth, and create immense momentum in the marketplace.
PERFECT FOR: Anyone looking to accelerate marketplace momentum, launch a service/product/practice/office, promote an important event, or get the word out about joining a new organization.
- Five videos describing the framework for designing and measuring an effective outreach campaign
- The three specific and practical outreach methods proven to succeed
- The counterintuitive mindset you'll need to be be successful, broken down by the initial, middle, and final thirds of a successful campaign
Get Your Home Set Up Right And Win More Virtual Meetings
Want to improve your virtual meetings set up and skills?
Sign up at no charge here for an extremely practical course showing how to get your virtual set up right, plan for and lead successful virtual meetings.
PERFECT FOR: Individuals and leaders that want improve their virtual presence, meeting prep and results. This course is especially powerful for an entire team planning for an important, high-stakes meeting.
- Three videos giving the key strategies and technical needs to be successful in a home environment
- Two step-by-step downloads to ensure your success: one to optimize your virtual set up and one to guide proper preparation for high-stakes virtual meetings
- Insights into how to create meaningful connections in a virtual environment. No air hugs needed.