New Gratis Training!

What’s On My Mind

We have a new course to help you win virtual meetings!

2020 has been busy.

​We’ve delivered 100s of sessions impacting 1000s of experts.

​One question has come up far more than any other:

​How do I _____ virtually.

Lots of things fill in that blank:

  • Meet prospects.
  • Create demand.
  • Close business.

And of those?

Succeeding in virtual meetings is #1 on people’s minds.

Which leads me to…


What We Just Created

A new complimentary course on…

Winning More Virtual Meetings

​Check out it out here.

​It’ll show you how to:

  • Build the best home set up possible.
  • Plan for high-stakes virtual meetings.
  • Execute in those meetings to WIN.

​Complete with our usual how-to videos and downloadable worksheets, this new no-charge training packs a punch!

What’s Worth Revisiting

We usually send out our weekly newsletter on Friday mornings, but I made a change this week.


Fifteen years ago TODAY we incorporated Bunnell Idea Group.

That’s worth revisiting!

I can still remember how scary it was to make the leap and start BIG. I’m so glad I did.

15 years. My life’s work.

I feel so thankful.

What’s Making Me Smile

Speaking of reflecting, my wife Becky and I are always focused on doing the next right thing, almost always looking forward.

We have to work hard to stop for a moment and celebrate success.

This weekend we’ve agree to take an hour or so, share a fancy cocktail, and only talk about things we got done this year. Things we’re proud we did, even making a list of them.

This will force us to slow down, reflect, and focus for a moment on all the progress we’ve made.

That’s going to make us both smile.

A lot.

What’s Worth Lingering On

Back to our 100% digital BD world.

Preparing for virtual meetings is different.

Your home set up matters.

How you and your team prepares matters.

How you execute in the meeting matters.

You’ll play how you practice.

Are you winning more than your fair share?

​If not, sign up for our new course to improve your skills.

​Send this to your team while you’re at it. Then you can all be using the same playbook.

Getting everyone using the same system is the first step to success.

​Let’s win!
