COVID Clarities on Growth

What’s On My Mind

Remember to sign up for GrowBIG Accelerator here to get November’s content at no charge. You need to do it by 10/28.

​Here are the specifics of what you’ll get in November!

​Week 1: I’ll give a GrowBIG Burst Masterclass Training on creating demand in a virtual world so you can thrive now and in the future.

Week 2: I’ll lead an Open Q&A to answer any question you have so you can implement your BD efforts flawlessly.

Week 3: Our Expert-driven Deep Dive will be me interviewing Pat Quinn.

Pat is the #1 personal communications coach at Advance Your Reach who is the secret weapon for the speaking teams at Tony Robbins, Dave Ramsey, Michael Hyatt & Co and other amazing organizations. Pat teaches their people how to give presentations that connect and win.

​I took Pat’s training last year and it was the best training I’ve ever taken!

​And believe me, I’m hard to impress me when it comes to training. 😉

​Week 4: Our Elite Rainmaker Showcase will feature Robin Woodhead of Sotheby’s, one of their top worldwide rainmakers.

​You’ll learn how Robin has used our techniques to become one of the top world-wide trusted advisors to billionaires on their art collections.

​Robin has gone through our program three times, using it commercially at Sotheby’s and also to bring in major gifts for an amazing non-profit I’ve gotten to know and love, KHULA Education in South Africa.

​LOTS of applicability for anyone that wants to become a trusted advisor to busy people and to lead positive change in the world. Prepare to be inspired by Robin.

​All you have to do is sign up here.

​You’ll see our ongoing pricing and structure at that link, but remember you can get all the content above at no charge as long as you sign up by 11:59 pm EST 10/28.

Buckle up folks, that’s just the first month of GrowBIG Accelerator!

What We Just Created

I got countless positive comments about the 1st recap of Season One of our video podcast. It’s an easy way to catch up on all the insights.

The first recap covered the Timeless Truths I learned that I’ll use forever.

​A new one just dropped, the end of Season One.

​This one covers a different perspective: the COVID Clarities I learned across all our amazing Season One guests.

​My hope is that this latest COVID Clarities episode helps you learn some specific techniques to help you grow and thrive in today’s environment.

​​Check it out here.

What To Revisit

Don’t forget to download the PDF poster that gives the overview of the Timeless Truths and COVID Clarity recaps here.

​It’s perfect to take notes on and tape to your office wall as a reminder.

What’s Coming Up

Wait till you see what we’re cooking up for Season Two of the podcast!

​More amazing interviewees.

​Thought-provoking questions.

​Shorter, bite-sized format.

​We’re starting to record next week…

What’s Making Me Smile

I was on a podcast recently when a major rainmaker said something that cracked me up:

Half my BD strategy is just letting people know I’m still alive.

​He’s figured out dozens of new ways to stay top of mind in a virtual world.

​That’s his COVID Clarity.

What’s Worth Lingering On

COVID Clarities are important.

Things are changing quickly.

BD might be harder now than ever. Virtual environments. Limited conferences. No fancy dinners in NYC and London.

We need to invest in ourselves to evolve and succeed.

What’s your plan to invest in your own BD skills this year?
