Your Growth Guide: Being Purpose Driven In And Outside Of The Office With Bonneau Ansley

Being Purpose Driven In And Outside Of The Office With Bonneau Ansley

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I had the pleasure of interviewing Bonneau Ansley, the #1 real estate agent in the South, shares how he discovered how to take his passion for people and selling, and leverage it into a ridiculously successful real estate company on track to do over $3 billion in sales this year.

Mo asked Bonneau:

“Tell me a story of a business development or sales development done the right way, that you are particularly proud of?”

Bonneau responded:

“The first thing that pops into head is selling for a purpose. When I started our business almost 7 years ago, on the front end of what we did, even though we weren’t making any money, I made sure that we were selling for a reason. Every sale that we ended up selling at Ansley, we gave back to the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Hospital. We’ve been doing that strong ever since we started the business, and I got to say that that is the most rewarding business thing that I’ve ever done. It happens on every single sale.

Mo followed up:

“How did you weave this idea of giving back to the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta into the culture.? Why is it so rewarding?”

Bonneau responded:

“Well we wanted to make sure that we are not just here to sell a house and move on down the road. With having clients, you don’t want your client there for one transaction. We are a company that wants to be there after the sale. We want to be there for your kids and in five years when you sell again. Mo just like you, I’ve done three or four deals with you. We started off in a small neighborhood and you’re on 10 or 15 acres. We want to grow with our clients. Having said that we want it to be a purpose driven thing too. We are on the Earth for a small while so we have to create our footprint. We want to give back as a company. We not only sold houses, but we helped children. So we partnered early on with the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and it also gives the agents purpose when they’re selling houses. We are not only doing this for ourselves or our clients, but there is another benefit that’s bigger than this. That’s been really cool as an organization.

Dive deeper into the conversation with Bonneau Ansley here.

Having clients is not about a single transaction. Bonneau wants to grow with his clients and for the company to have a footprint beyond real estate. By pairing sales with a noble endeavor, he makes the mission of the organization more than just profit.

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