Your Growth Guide: Unlocking The Key To Deepening Relationships: Shifting Your Mindset With Alisa Cohn

Unlocking The Key To Deepening Relationships: Shifting Your Mindset With Alisa Cohn

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Welcome LinkedIn friends! Your weekly insight to grow your relationships and book of business.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Alisa Cohn, author of From Start-Up to Grown-Up, Global CEO Coach, as well as Startup Coach.

Mo asked Alisa:

“What’s your best advice around how our audience can deepen their relationships with their clients and their internal teams?”

Alisa responded:

“First of all, recognize what you want to and need to do is deepen relationships. I always think it starts with mindset. We don’t make anything important until we make it important, and then we know it’s important.

Step one is to get that mindset clear. Step two is to really think about how you are approaching that process. So, in my book From Start-Up to Grown-Up, I talk about managing yourself, managing them, and managing the business.

In terms of managing them, you have got to think about how you manage the individuals. How do you build relationships with the individuals that you work with? Some of them like direct input. Some of them like more of a warm-up. Some of them like just the facts. Some like to talk about their weekends. When you think about your internal team, guide yourself to their style.

The same thing is true in the external world. Really be a listener, notice how they approach the world, and tailor your communication and behavioral style to them and that’s going to make you successful.

On my website, I have a number of questions you can ask to spark deeper conversations which I encourage you to do because people prefer real talk. They don’t know how to get into it and that’s kind of the problem, but when you bring interesting questions that provoke some really great conversations, that will automatically set you apart and help you build a deeper relationship with people.”

Dive deeper into the conversation with Alisa Cohn here.

First of all, recognize that what you want to and need to do is deepen relationships. It starts with the mindset. We don’t make anything important until we make it important.

Build relationships with the people you work with one by one. Start with listening to how they approach the world and tailor your style to that. People prefer real talk, not stilted conversation. Good questions can be the spark you need to ignite deeper conversations. How can you tailor your communication and behavior to accommodate the preferences of individuals in your professional circle?

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Keep up with what Alisa is up to here.

Thanks for reading!


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