Pat Quinn shares his incredible insight into how to explode your conversion rate and get more people to say yes to you with the Storybrand structure.
Pat Quinn shares his incredible insight into how to explode your conversion rate and get more people to say yes to you with the Storybrand structure. Find out how to win more clients and business by telling authentic stories that make your offer so compelling the client will be thinking “I’d thought you’d never ask!”
- Structure matters. Pat’s goal when he’s working with a speaker is for the audience to engage with the speaker after they’re done which means you need to structure your presentation differently. Engagement can take the form of doing business with you, using your service, or subscribing to your newsletter.
- The Storybrand formula has four steps: Heart, Head, Hand, and Heart. The first part, Heart, is your opening story where the purpose is not to sell, but to connect. The second, Head, is when you teach and help the audience. The third part, Hand, is where you ask the audience to do something with your call to action. The last part, Heart, is to finish with something inspiring. When you put all these things together you will have a presentation that will make people want to engage with you.
- Mo used to skip too early to the teaching part of the training but after going through Pat’s training he discovered that the personal story at the beginning is the most important part of the presentation.
- Everyone wants to be a leader and teach the audience, but you can’t lead until you have paced with someone. Pacing is not teaching or leading or selling, it’s saying that you’ve been where the audience is and understanding how they feel.
- Every communication you do in your business should be in the four part story format. You have some goals with a presentation but the biggest one is to connect and the best way to accomplish this is through episodic storytelling.
- The three goals of your opening story are to be ordinary, be extraordinary, and to show your why. Ordinary means showing you’ve struggled with the audience’s problems as well. Extraordinary means that you’ve solved at least one of their problems. If you can show your why and your passion about what you do, you will connect in an emotional way that will make them want to engage with you.
- Episodic storytelling is telling a story from a first person point of view. The first sentence is incredibly important. The secret is to start in the middle of the action which is the same way that great movies begin. This is very attractive and pulls people into your story in a way that reading off your resume can’t compete with.
- When you start your presentation in a predictable way, your audience will tune out and stop listening. When you start with a compelling story, you will stand out and rise above the crowd.
- After your story you still have to help your audience. Give away your best information because if you don’t help them at this point, you don’t build credibility and trust, and there will be no reason for them to believe that you can help them in a longer engagement.
- Most people think that you have to teach everything you know about the subject but that’s not the case. The person who teaches the most does not win the sale, they just leave their audience scared and confused. The person who wins the sale is the one who helps the most in the time they have. When asked to speak, the very first question you should ask is how much time you have.
- So many presenters try to cram as much material as possible into a time slot but that’s probably the biggest mistake that presenters can make. It’s vital you know how much time you have to speak.
- Use less of your time to teach and spend more on connection time and next steps. People do more business with those they like, so spend more time fostering the relationship.
- Have one simple, clear, and obvious single next step when putting in a call to action. Offering a menu of options leads to confusion. Tell the audience the right next step and make them say yes or no to that. A great presentation is like a sidewalk, it leads the person in front of you down a path to a single point of decision. The fewer options you give, the more people you will get to say yes.
- Don’t leave the audience wondering what to do next. You’re the expert, tell them the next step and the price that works.
- The right number of topics is three for the teaching portion of a presentation. Get to the stuff that actually helps people and give them a mix of real solutions that are both simple and complicated, short-term and long-term solutions. Short-term solutions give you instant credibility and long-term solutions lead to lasting results.
- You should make whatever you are talking about both simple and complicated. Simple so that they believe they can do it. Complicated so that they never try to do it without you.
- Your offer should be weaved into your content. If you get to the offer and it’s the first time your audience is hearing about it, it’s already too late. Our brains physically change when we detect a sales conversation.
- There is a second dialogue going on in every room. If your presentation is well designed, organized, and simple the audience is listening with about 20% of their brain. The remaining 80% is made up of everything else going on in their life but a good presentation can steer the second dialogue toward your offer. If you don’t introduce your offer early enough, you’ll surprise people.
- When you get to the offer at the end of your presentation, the response that you want from the audience is “I thought you’d never ask.”
- All great presentations have visuals which can take a number of different forms. Concrete deliverables will increase your conversion rate. When you have a deliverable, don’t just touch it and show it, do an “Is, Does, Means”. Tell them what it is, tell them what it does, and then tell them what it means. The money is in the meaning.
- Introduce the next step early on in your story and presentation. Limit the choices to the option of working with you or not working with you. Avoid declaring that everything will change, instead tell them the things that won’t change. The status quo is the comforting blanket around your offer.
- Actors and actresses are on stage pretending to be something they’re not. Pat teaches people to be themselves and make themselves more attractive to the companies they want to work with. If you do this you’re not selling, you’re just telling them how to get something they already want.
- There is no one right way to present. You don’t have to be funny, or glib, or quick witted. You have to know your story, have content that actually helps people, have one thing for them to do next, and every time you speak you will get new clients, more business, and make more of an impact on this world.
- There are two types of decision makers in every audience, tactical decision makers and emotional decision makers. If you only talk to the tactics you’re only going to get yes half as often as you should. Tell the audience what the offer is and also how it will feel. Close with emotion. The Hand is the tactical close, and the final Heart is your emotional close.
- Research shows that the emotional close doesn’t last as long as a tactical close. The goal at the very end is to have both aspects of the mind hot and ready to go.
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