The Top 3 Things You Need to Implement from Nathan Barry, Founder of ConvertKit

Mo shares his insights from the habits of Nathan Barry. ConvertKit has grown from a startup to $25 million a year in revenue.

Mo shares his insights from the habits of Nathan Barry.

  • ConvertKit has grown from a startup to $25 million a year in revenue. His perspective on seeing how thousands of professionals use his platform gives him a lot of insight into what works and what doesn’t.
  • Teach everything you know. Many professionals resist the idea for fear of giving away all their best stuff for free, but the opposite tends to be true. The more you give away, the more the prospect realizes that they need your expertise to help them in their specific situation.
  • The right place to switch from teaching to pitching is at the point where you have adequately framed the problem and figured out how you could work together. Teaching naturally flows into the conversation around working together.
  • Give with abundance and do it in a way that scales. If you’re going to spend nearly a hundred hours packaging your education, you should absolutely use a platform like ConvertKit to automate it and scale your efforts.
  • Once you set up something that’s automated, it works for you forever.
  • Share what you are working on and what you’re learning with the people in your audience. Automation allows you to develop a relationship with a prospect without actually having to be there and sharing your story is incredibly powerful in getting people to bond with.
  • For Nathan, the two most important things in business that he’s looking for is leverage and compound returns. Automation fits that bill.
  • Once you create a piece of content, think of ways that you can use to help more people at scale. Develop fewer things and leverage them more effectively.
  • When you think of your time when it comes to business development, ask yourself what things you can do that will pay off and work for you forever. Build it once and do it right, and then put it out in a way that scales.

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