The Top 3 Things You Need to Implement from Michael Port, CEO of Heroic Public Speaking

Mo shares his insights from the habits of Michael Port. Mo strongly recommends that you consider using speaking to grow your business.

Mo shares his insights from the habits of Michael Port.

  • Mo strongly recommends that you consider using speaking to grow your business. Like any skill in life, if you have the right formula, get on the right stage, and deliver the right message you will see results. Put in some practice and you can become great at it.
  • Like driving a car, it takes time to learn but when you put in the time it becomes so ingrained that you barely even think about it.
  • Speaking reaps big rewards. Of all the ways you can generate leads, speaking is one of the most effective and has the highest leverage.
  • Speaking allows you to bond and connect with potentially hundreds of people all with one action. Those same stage speaking skills can now be amplified on the internet as well via webinars and online conferences.
  • Speaking also comes with a number of secondary benefits. By getting great at speaking, you grow your skills in a number of other communication areas.
  • Speaking is a craft, treat it like one. You need to practice and if you want to get better fast, hire someone to help you.
  • The major components of a speech that you need to work on are your opening story, the three pieces of content that you want to cover, and the ending. If you nail the opening and really connect with people at the beginning, they are going to stick with you. Try not to put too much content into your speech so you don’t overwhelm the audience. For the ending, leave them with a little inspiration.
  • Mo is going to create a database of the three elements of his speeches so that he can easily mix and match the pieces. When you give a great talk, write down what you said so you have a blueprint for your next great speech to work from.

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