Mo shares his insights from the habits of Dorie Clark. Build time into your schedule specifically to interact with people that you find interesting.
Mo shares his insights from the habits of Dorie Clark.
Build time into your schedule specifically to interact with people that you find interesting. When Mo was originally designing the Grow Big principles and training he created the concept of narrowing your relationships to people that you can proactively commit to reaching out to once a month. One of the categories is interesting people because interesting people spend time with interesting people.
Relationships with interesting people can lead to incredible places, even if there is absolutely no expectation of any commercial benefit to begin with.
When someone asks you to do something that is not quite the best use of your time there are four simple steps to say no nicely. Dorie has another simple three step system of triage you can use to filter out the most egregious.
First, ask for more info. Second, ask for more granular info. Third, suggest a different approach once you know what’s being asked of you.
The power of pre-commitment to hack your habits is a great tool to ensure you do what you know you should do. Put those activities on your calendar and make them the default, instead of trying to fit them into the chaos of your day where they will be endless pushed off by the whirlwind.
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