So Money Podcast with Farnoosh Torabi

Recently I’ve been invited to participate in a number of podcasts, a format that is becoming more and more popular every day. The experience has been fantastic. Through it, I’ve met a number of amazing radio hosts and podcasters. I’ve really enjoyed being a part of their programs. I’ll be sharing links to each of them weekly over the next few months. I believe that all of you will find value in them, and maybe you’ll discover some of your favorite podcasters along the way!

This week, I’m sharing my podcast with ‘So Money’ host Farnoosh Torabi. She is an award winning financial correspondent, best selling author, and television personality. ‘So Money’ provides candid conversations about money with the world’s top business minds, authors and influencers.

In this episode, Farnoosh and I talk about the Give to Get technique, some shorthand for calculating what your time is worth, as well as my personal ‘So Money’ accomplishment. You can reach the podcast by clicking the following link: 

I hope you enjoy it!

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