GrowBIG Playbook: Partnership Power: A How-To Guide (+ A Major Announcement!)

What’s On My Mind

Exciting news below!

Building mutually-beneficial partnerships is one of the most powerful techniques in our GrowBIG Training.

Potential Strategic Partners are people or organizations that call on the same people you do but offer a different service.

One person’s expertise can pair nicely with another’s.

A strategy process can pair nicely with implementation.

Technology can pair nicely with training.

What’s the win for you?

Three big ones:

  1. Strategic Partnerships can add more value to your existing clients.
    ​By working together, you can find deeper ways to help the clients you already have. ​
    (HERE is a short power-packed episode where best-selling author Mike Michalowicz and I talking about this very thing.)
  2. Strategic Partnerships enable warm introductions.
    Introductions are warm and easy with partners since you each serve similar people.
  3. Strategic Partnerships scale to generate new leads.
    Lead generation is very powerful with partners. Jointly promoted and conducted webinars, collaborative speaking, and even writing create unique perspectives leveraging each party’s strengths–and your ability to promote your work using each partner’s networks broadly.

Strategic Partnerships are no-brainers.

So why aren’t there more of them?


Partners don’t follow the right process to build trust, usually being too focused on themselves.

I’ll show you how to build the perfect partnership below.

But for now…

A major announcement!

What We Just Created

Steve Jobs said…

Real artists ship.

He meant real artists don’t just dream.

They finish.

They get their value out into the world.

This week we’re shipping one of the coolest things we’ve ever done.

We’re integrating GrowBIG training videos right into the leading law firm CRM in the world: LexisNexis InterAction.

InterAction works with 80%+ of the largest law firms in the world.


And now they have embedded how-to GrowBIG videos right in the CRM.

Here’s what it looks like.

We worked with their team for over a year to get everything perfect:

  • Focusing on a “Relationship Pack” of videos to start. ​
  • Recording a few dozen ~45-second videos teaching our system.
  • Coding these into the system so they can be watched at the perfect moments.

Here is a SUPER cool overview video of how it works.

How cool is that?

InterAction users are the biggest winners.

Tech and training.

Action and advice.

I couldn’t be more excited.

We’ll plan on adding more video packs in the future: creating demand, talking about rates and money, meeting new clients, etc.

Ping me or your InterAction account manager if you have any questions!

(Note: InterAction customers need to be on their Essential Data+ platform for the tech to work.)​

And the best news of all: we’re adding the training videos at no charge for InterAction users!

What’s Worth Lingering On

Back to powerful partnerships.

Here’s what you need to succeed.

Think BIG, Start Small, Scale Up.

We find most people try to go too fast when they’re partnering.

They might start with themselves: So who can you introduce me to?

That’s too selfish.

Focus on your mutual clients first. Work back from that with small steps.

Work with your potential partner to get three things pinned down.

This is the Think BIG part:

  1. What’s the technical win for the clients? Figure out what you have as partners that pairs nicely.
    ​Our example: CRM tech is better with advice. BD training is better with technology to enable it. We started with developing relationships since that’s the core of InterAction and our frameworks. Simple to start.
  2. What’s the strategic win for each partner? Get this down to a few sentences so it’s simple.
    ​Our example: InterAction wanted to add more value to their users with real-time, embedded training. We wanted to expose new people to our methods, so they directly experienced the value instead of just hearing about it.
  3. Who needs to be involved? A small team of A+ people always wins.
    Our example: We focused on me, their top designers, and our marketing teams. We also held a small VIP-style CMO-level focus group to share prototypes and get feedback–they were SO insightful.

Once you get these things nailed down, the process reveals itself.
That’s when you start small and get started.

An example from our process. We originally came up with 100s of ideas for videos. That was just too much. We pulled back to a few dozen, all under the Relationship Pack idea. Even with that smaller scope, it still took us a year to get this done.

The good news? Scaling up is easy now. We’ll drop other video training packs into InterAction in the future as we learn what works.

So cool!

Back to your Strategic Partnerships.

Here’s what you can think about.

What people or organizations call on the same people you do but help in complementary ways?

Who has a stellar reputation that you’d be proud to partner with?

How can you reach out to them to explore a partnership?

Our partnership with InterAction started with Scott Winter asking a question one day:

What could we do together to help our mutual clients?

A simple statement.

In a hotel lobby.

And now we’ll help 100s of thousands of InterAction users.

Think BIG, Start Small, Scale Up.

Big partnerships start with one question to one person.​

What’s yours?


Here Are Our Complimentary Courses

Click here to see all our complimentary, no-risk courses. We have half a dozen, with more on the way! These are our investments in your success.

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