Our Biggest Barrier: And What To Do About It

What’s On My Mind

I stumbled across some new research today — and it’s compelling.

Did you know we humans are exceptionally good at overestimating our abilities for skills we use often.

Science here.​

I had seen research about our inflated self-assessments for things like driving, where most people give themselves an assessment of 7 out of 10!

But I didn’t realize how broad the problem was.

In the study above, they tested people’s self-assessments in their abilities at things like humor, grammar, and even logic.​

Sadly, most were completely unaware of their own abilities, even if they were really bad at the skill.

​Those in the bottom quartile had an average ability of the 12th percentile–yet rated themselves at 62nd!

​This reminded me of a great study by Dr. Victor Ottati.

​Science here.

​He found that most experts — probably all of us reading this — likely have something called earned dogmatism.

​The more expertise we perceive we have in an area, the more closed-minded we become.

​It’s almost like our ego starts to turn off the curiosity we used to gain our hard-won expertise.

Not good.

​Here’s the deal…

To be truly great, we have to fight against both headwinds!

  1. We have to avoid thinking we’re better than we are and
  2. We have to work hard to stay curious and keep growing.

​More on how to do this below…

What We Just Created

Killer series of podcasts this week!

​I had a BALL interviewing Karim Nehdi, CEO of Herrmann International.

​He’s a gem of a guy, and even better, he sometimes wears a purple sport coat.

​(More on that in the interview).

​Karim and I went DEEP on how to use the diversity of thinking and the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) in relationship building.

It’s really cool stuff.

And worth forwarding around to your teams for either a recap or a refresher on how to use the HBDI and cognitive diversity to build your book of business and help clients succeed.

​The best part is we covered new ground we’ve never taught!

​For the most fun episode with the most laughs, click HERE.

​For the episode that recaps how to use the HBDI in business development contexts, click HERE.

​And for one that covers how to leverage cognitive diversity internally on your teams, click HERE.

​These episodes really packed a punch and were a ton of fun to record!

What’s Coming Up

Man, I’m so psyched!

​We have SO much coming:

  • Total redesign of our Learning Library to pull in all our content in a more searchable way!
  • Recap of Season 2 of our Real Relationships Real Revenue podcast, where we’ll pull the “greatest insights” from our amazing guests and have them answer similar questions in back-to-back fashion!
  • New Season 3 of our Real Relationships Real Revenue podcast that’ll interview some of our top rainmaking clients from all over the world!
  • A NEW complimentary course called Winning The Relationship Advantage–it’s our biggest and boldest complimentary course yet!

​Keep reading these emails.

​I’ll update you as these are released.

​Tons of value coming your way…

What’s Worth Lingering On

Back to those headwinds we need to fight.

​We are rating ourselves too highly and closing our minds to learning more.

​I’ve been repeating something to myself lately.

I know nothing about business development.

Seriously, nothing.

​Yeah, I know, that’s not exactly what we should write at the top of our website.

​That would send the right message about our credibility, right?!

​But that little phrase is powerful.

​It opens my mind, making me curious.

​It makes me realize I have a lot more to learn.

​It gets me excited about testing new techniques.

​It’s a crazy question, but one worth asking.

What would benefit you to know nothing about?


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