Molly Fletcher on Curiosity and Motivation – What You Need To Succeed

Mo asks Molly Fletcher: What is your best advice for busy professionals to grow their book of business, their relationships, and their career?

Mo asks Molly Fletcher: What is your best advice for busy professionals to grow their book of business, their relationships, and their career?

  • You have to behave in a way that sends a message to the people you want to work with and for, that the relationship matters so much to you that you behave like they are your client already.
  • In all business development relationship conversations, people are asking the same basic questions. “Do I like you?”, “Can you help me?”, and “Can I trust you?”. When you act like you have the business before you already do and behave as you care about them, they can answer those questions with a yes.
  • Every business development conversation starts with curiosity. When you’re curious you can discover the gaps in their world and find a way to add value to them. People like us when we help them and make their world better.
  • What can you do to show up in your client’s and prospect’s world and help them feel like they matter to you? Especially one week or one month after you have that initial conversation.
  • You have to believe in the process and put systems and triggers in place to create that and turn follow-up into a routine.
  • The big moment is not the pitch, it’s after they leave and you have the opportunity to behave in a way that shows them that they matter to you. It’s not about making money right now, it’s the fact that if you lean in and add value and make their lives better, they can’t help but trust you and appreciate that.
  • Once you have the process in place you have to be disciplined about it. Build your process around follow-up into your calendar and don’t leave it in your inbox.
  • You have to schedule the things in your life that matter most. Block that time and protect it. If you want to stay top of mind with your prospects you have to stay connected, stay curious, and stay in their world.

Mentioned in this Episode: – $10 discount code: GAMECHANGER

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