Mitch Joel shares the power of creating digital assets and how his simple framework for creating digital content can start off as just a drip and end up creating waves within your professional ecosphere.
Mitch Joel shares the power of creating digital assets and how his simple framework for creating digital content can start off as just a drip and end up creating waves within your professional ecosphere. Learn how to pick the right communication format for you, how to create content in a way that’s unique to you and can’t be replicated by someone else, and how to build an audience that wants to hear from you each week by publishing consistently.
Mo asks Mitch Joel: What is your big idea for getting better at retention and growth?
- Whether it’s digital or not, it’s all about relationships and relationships are built on the stories you tell and how you deliver on them.
- Most people tend to market themselves with promises instead of with their overall story. The ethos of the Madmen era of advertising still permeates the way many professionals think.
- You don’t have to be personal, you just have to be personable. That’s the story that is going to connect with the right kinds of customers, which is something that you need to be focused on.
- As professionals, we all have to figure out what kind of content we are going to create. It can come in whatever form you like, whether that’s audio, video, or written. The content you create should have a bullseye that you’re aiming for within the Triangle of Attention.
- Even if your approach or niche isn’t unique, you can still bring your unique voice to the table to make your brand stand out.
- Human beings prefer regularity. Content you create should follow an editorial calendar instead of being posted whenever you happen to feel like it. Content should be scheduled regularly and you need to stick with the schedule.
- Seth Godin refers to this as the “Drip Strategy.” Content is a drip and if you create enough drips they become a ripple, the ripple creates waves, and the waves fill the ocean.
- The vast majority of the content you create will garner virtual crickets but cumulatively over time it creates a sense of presence, social proof, and credibility.
Mo asks Mitch Joel: How would you advise high end professionals to create and close more deals?
- Go and follow Jeffrey Gettemer and subscribe to his newsletter. Anything Mitch has learned about sales was picked up from Jeffrey.
- Essentially, a lot of sales is about relationship building, storytelling, not being boring, and not being caught up in our own world. Instead it is about focusing on what the prospect wants.
- One of the biggest mistakes in sales is thinking exclusively about your own goals and quotas, when having the vision of what the person across the table needs is where the opportunity is.
- Jeffrey once told the story of how his father always came home after work and voraciously wrote notes about companies and individuals and ideas so that he could better sell to them. The people who are outworking you or outselling you are just out-homeworking you.
- Even though Mitch is no longer in the agency business, he still collects any articles or content he finds that would be relevant to someone and sends it to them. This isn’t done to derive immediate value but it works well as a connection point and relationship builder.
- Don’t link-spam people. This approach is a strategy of gifting and is a customized, one-to-one touchpoint.
- There is a lot of power derived when you do things like this authentically and from the heart.
Mo asks Mitch Joel: What’s your best advice for professionals to deepen long-term relationships?
- People will not leave a relationship, even if they are paying you more than someone else, if they like you. Get people to like you in a way that’s authentic and genuine and clearly has their best interests at heart.
- Don’t identify as a dinosaur. Excuses like “I can’t understand this” or “I don’t do social” are holding you back. We are all dealing with fatigue and overwork, but having the dinosaur mindset is a choice.
- Technology has made content and communication very easy to accomplish and inexpensive to implement. There are no excuses.
- Take an hour and learn how a piece of technology or app works so that you can do it yourself. Mitch may get old and grey, but he will never become a dinosaur.
- Networking is great for creating and deepening relationships. Proactively fill your calendar with ways to connect with new people. As an example, Mitch takes his morning walks on Instagram and invites people to “walk” with him.
- Networking has to be something that you’re doing all the time.
Mo asks Mitch Joel: How do we hack our own proactive habits to succeed?
- We all make time for the things that are important to us. As we’ve seen from the pandemic, we can fill our schedules with anything and feel really busy. The only way to do anything really well is to make time for it.
- Your priorities won’t show up in your to-do list, they show up in your calendar.
- Scheduling is not Mitch’s main way to track his time because he prefers not being stressed out by a strict or full calendar. An alternative to scheduling the most important things is the Jerry Seinfeld approach of putting an X on the calendar when you’ve accomplished the one thing you wanted to get done that day, and then try not to break the chain.
- Start light and start easy. Mitch found himself struggling to get into books during the pandemic so he committed to reading just five pages a day. Little incremental wins make it more likely you’ll do more and can lead to even bigger wins throughout the day.
- When it comes to growing a book of business, Mitch’s advice is to focus on your zone of genius and say no to things that don’t fit within that, then be the best you can be. Be clear on who you serve and what you do, and say no to everything else.
Mo shares his insights from the habits of Mitch Joel.
- Most professionals don’t yet understand the power of digital communication and thought starters.
- By creating those digital assets you start to become attractive. People start sharing and want more of your content, and those people become predisposed to working with you.
- It doesn’t matter who you are or what your expertise is, you have a brand and you have things you want people to know about you.
- Pick a medium of communication that works for you, then identify your Triangle of Attention. What are three things that are unique to you that you can share information about?
- Pick a publishing schedule that’s consistent and stick with it. Our brains love patterns and consistency is the key.
- The format and style depends on you and what you’re comfortable with. You don’t have to create long form podcasts if that doesn’t fit your style. If you’re not sure what your style might be, ask yourself whether you would be excited to create something like that.
- Look at news and current events through the lens of your Triangle of Attention. This becomes the basis for your unique voice.
- Once you have those first two things established, pick a publishing cadence and stick to it. Deadlines can have the additional benefit of forcing you to act and become better over time.
- This digital marketing strategy is a great way to build your book of business because digital assets keep paying off over time and most professionals are not doing enough in this arena right now.
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