Mo asks Craig Budner: If you could record a video about business development and growth and send it back to your younger self, what would it say?
Mo asks Craig Budner: If you could record a video about business development and growth and send it back to your younger self, what would it say?
- Craig would tell his younger self to not be afraid to fail.
- Have conversations with people that you may not be ready to start. Be willing to interface with people to learn their stories.
- It’s when you’re worried that you may not look good by asking people about their lives, that’s when you are missing an opportunity to grow and get better.
- Divorce yourself from the outcome.
- Business development is what occurs before the pitch.
- It’s better to be curious than it is to think of the things to say. When you’re curious you figure out how to further your journey.
- You control whether you make the ask, and whether you listen carefully and grow from what you hear. You don’t control whether someone is interested.
- Go to the conversation to grow.
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