Essential Business Development Tips with Mo Bunnell and Cyril Peupion

Mo asks Cyril Peupion: If you could record a video around business development and send it back to your younger self, what would it say?

  • Cyril describes a restaurant in Paris that is the best in the world in delivering a ribeye and has a queue lined up every single day no matter the weather conditions. Cyril would tell himself to become the master of one trade and become extraordinary at one thing.
  • Follow your heart and become the expert in that area.
  • Habits are what build expertise and world-class skills. There is a lot of joy in embracing the boring excellence that makes you great.
  • Cyril does one thing and does it very well. He’s more than happy to refer work that’s not in his wheelhouse to other experts he knows can take care of it.
  • If you can find something that you are passionate about, that the market will pay a premium rate for, and you are good at, you have found something worth pursuing.
  • Cyril would also recommend never stopping learning. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” -Gandhi
  • Block time to read every day. Set aside time every quarter to attend new training. Surround yourself with great mentors and a supportive community.



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