What’s On My Mind
Excitement! And lots of it!
We’ve got a new way to help you grow your relationships, your book of business and your career.
Our newest offering: GrowBIG Accelerator.
This is going to be the most important work I’ve ever done. Hands down.
Click the link above to learn more and pay attention to the deadline.
If you sign up before the deadline, you’ll get all of the November content for free.
What We Just Created
Just launched the first of two Season One recaps of our video podcast Real Relationships Real Revenue.
Interviewing Kelley O’Hara, James Clear, Mike Deimler, Michael Hyatt and Dan Pink taught me a lot.
So many great insights!
BONUS: I and our team spent a couple dozen hours creating a free downloadable poster summarizing Season One:
2020.09.01 BDHabits Real Relationships Real Revenue Season One Summary_FINAL.pdf
So cool!
This will be a great reminder of all we learned together. Perfect for your office wall or desktop background.
Download the poster, then listen to the corresponding recap episode titled Timeless Truths: What I Learned From Season 1 I’ll Use Forever.
What To Revisit
Don’t forget!
If you can get a group of 30+ signed up for our BD Habits mini-course, we can facilitate a webinar for you. No charge. I just led one a few hours ago and it was AWESOME.
Hit reply and let me know.
What’s Coming Up
We have another virtual public GrowBIG training coming up in a few weeks.
More on our comprehensive GrowBIG training here.
Sign up for October’s class here.
What’s Making Me Smile
We had 12+ awesome resources in last week’s GrowBIG Playbook.
But what did we get the most intest in?
The coolest secret bar in London.
What does that say about the people we attract here at BIG? I guess you all need a fancy cocktail.
I’m nervous!
What’s Worth Lingering On
Someone asked me on the gratis webinar today: “how can I get better at business development?”
Science has the answers.
Dr. K. Anders Ericsson found that people that focused on a skill got better at it. He called it deliberate practice.
I know that sounds obvious, but many people don’t view BD as the craft it is.
It deserves attention, focus. Constant improvement.
Social scientist Dr. Amber Gaffney found that surrounding yourself with people that focus on what you do, that believe in the same priorities, rise up together.
So to get better at BD…
1) Keep building your skills. Invest in yourself. Every week. Always improving, ever forward.
2) Surround yourself with others doing the same. High five the incremental progress. Make it the norm. Give help to others, get help in return.
It’s really that simple.
Are you dedicating time and effort to get better at BD?
Are you surrounded with others doing the same?