What’s On My Mind
Time to scale BD across your team.
In Part 1, we discussed a simple model to evaluate your business or book of business.
In Part 2, we differentiated your Solution.
In Part 3, we rocked out your PreBD so that it actually works.
In Part 4, we streamlined your BD with a common playbook and gamification.
One last part: Delivery.
But before I deliver on Delivery, here’s the model again. This is our fifth week on this, so if you already get it, skip it!
The Model: What You Need To Succeed
We all have four things to pay attention to that might be limiting factors in our books of business.
These pinch points create friction, making it hard to grow.
The bottlenecks can be in four big areas:
- Undifferentiated Solution.
Symptom: Sounding like others in the marketplace.
Great solutions are unique in the buyer’s mind in less than 5 minutes.
- Not enough or compelling enough PreBD.
Symptom: Not getting as many “predisposed to choose you” leads.
Great PreBD gives you more leads (that already want you) than your team can handle.
- Inefficient or unaligned BD.
Symptom: not enough of your opportunities are “closing.”
Great BD playbooks and moves are seamless across your team in the way IT uses an agile–efficient system, common playbook.
- Inadequate Delivery.
Symptom: you aren’t creating enough “Raving Fans” in your work.
Great delivery creates Ravings Fans very quickly and enhances the experience over time.
What You Need To Deliver On Delivery
Bottlenecks are interesting.
As soon as you bust one bottleneck, the flow increases everywhere to show another one.
I think that’s sort of beautiful.
It’s a fun game that never ends.
If you have a Delivery bottleneck, you’ve solved for the others elements of a book of business.
Differentiated solution. Compelling PreBD. And streamlined BD.
Do those things, and a great thing will happen.
It’s glorious.
You’ll have more work than you can deliver.
(Side note: sometimes people confuse your Solution with Delivery. The Solution is the actual service or product you offer. The Delivery is how you execute it, usually driven by your people.)
How do you fix that?
Find the best talent.
Sadly many companies don’t have a streamlined process for finding the best talent.
The best process I’ve seen is given in the book Who by Geoff Smart.
It’s so simple.
That book tells you in very simple terms how to:
- Scorecard: Get everyone clear on the requirements of a role.
- Source: Use every way possible to find candidates.
- Select: Interview the right way to select the best. And…
- Sell: Get the yes from who you want!
Getting the right people on the team unlocks everything.
Harder in the beginning, easier in the end.
It’s worth the effort.
Grab the book for more.
What’s Worth Lingering On
Yep–it’s a shorter article this week as we wrap up this series.
That’s because finding the right Delivery talent is worthy of its own series. Plus, you probably have plenty to do based on the prior articles.
So let me leave you with this.
Most people try to fix everything at once in their business.
Trying to fix everything leads to nothing.
The progress is so slow you become just like everyone else, merging to the middle.
You’re better off tackling bottlenecks. Doing what this series taught.
Take another look at the diagram above.
What’s The ONE Thing that’ll drive the most results?
Differentiating your Solution?
Creating and scaling more “reverse half-life” PreBD that grows in impact over time?
Streamlining your BD across your entire team?
Or finding the right Delivery talent?
Pick one to focus on.
Only one.
I know it’s hard.
Sure, you’re allowed to do little things in the other areas, but really focus on improving one area at a time.
Focusing on ONE thing drives results.
Then when you’ve busted that bottleneck, pick the next one.
Bust again.
It’s the easy choice to try to do everything, but you know what they say.
It’s always best when you…
Pick the low-hanging watermelon.
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