November 2017

Growing My Book of Business, Speed up the buying process

Asking For the Advance

Measuring is an important part of tracking progress and successes. How you do it is something that varies from person to person and from business to business. in this video, however, we share one measure that we have found to be successful and meaningful in helping business development, one that is totally in your control. We call it “Asking for the advance”.

Watch and listen to rainmakers to model their success, Working on My Own BD Skills

Loving BD

Business development can be a discouraging practice. Lots of effort can be wasted when a prospect is no longer interested in your business. Even worse, the process can make many people feel like they are a sleazy car salesman. But there are ways to change this outlook. In this video, we discuss how you can come to love what you do, to love business development, so that you can give your best effort, not be discouraged, and feel great about it.

Leading a Team

The Importance of Quantity

Quality is an important part of our interactions with others. Focusing on this, however, can potentially lead to a loss in the quantity of those interactions, which can be equally important. In this episode, we discuss the science behind this, and discuss a simple way that you can increase the quantity of interactions.

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